Hand Painting



Hand painting is a great way to add new life to scarves and shawls that needs a boost. Mastering the art of hand painting allows you to feel the colors. It takes time and patience to create a magnificent product .Hand painted products are very rich, delicate and beautifully crafted with natural fibers.


It’s a way to achieve artistic and textural elements that really defines artisan’s art. Using the hands as part of the final artwork itself, hand painting breathes life into a piece of art through movement, the surface of the product or the lines on the design .It makes you look at art from a different angle, especially when it comes to the use of the hand . Painting is a mode of creative expression, and the forms are numerous .Every point in space has different intensity, which can be represented in painting by black and white and all the shades between. Color and tone are the essence of painting as harmony and soul are the essence of design. Color is highly subjective, but has observable psychological effects, although these can differ from one person to another. Color represents the feeling and emotion of the person. It can refer to the distinctive visual elements, techniques and methods that typify an individual artist's work.

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The designs created on the fabric plays an important role in making the fabric more beautiful and more fashionable. It reflects the craftsmanship as well as the customs or culture of the wearer.

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